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Be Great!

I just got back from the Be Great! Conference in Seattle where we were aligning business strategy with soul and spirit. And I decided to create a Sound Washing® to support you in finding your greatness. We all have greatness within us. Whether you are building a business or designing the life of your desires, it begins with you discovering your truest self and uncovering your greatness.

I invite you to be great! Look inside and see the gifts that you bring to the world. Feel gratitude for those gifts and for those people who have supported you in discovering what makes you great.

I am celebrating my greatness and my birthday this month by offering you all a Buy 1, Get 1 Free on Reiki/Sound Healing sessions as well as Custom Sound Washings™. So if you have been thinking about trying these or you want another one, now is the time. You can use your free one for yourself or for someone else. I will even send you a pretty Gift Certificate if you would like that. You can order Reiki/Sound Healing sessions here and Custom Sound Washings™ here.

Allow yourself to be supported in discovering and expressing your greatness.

Sending you Loving Vibrations!

Reminder: This Saturday is our monthly Toning Circle for Healing in Redding, CA. Please sign up here if you are planning to attend.