Who is Phoebe Fazio?

Phoebe has been transforming lives through a unique form of healing called Sound Washing® and her Vision Alignment programs. 

Using her voice, she channels vibrational messages from the Divine. As a Reiki Master and Yoga teacher, her true essence radiates when sharing her gifts with others.

Spiritual Healers and Channelers are magnetized to Phoebe’s programs that empower them to clearly deliver their messages and come into alignment with their Vision. Action steps are easier as the obstacles are removed. Business becomes easier, life is joyful, they feel the magic again, and their vision becomes their new reality.


The Global Channeling Summit, hosted by Phoebe,  is uplifting channelers by broadcasting their messages to the world and allowing conversation where it has felt taboo in the past. People new to channeling learn more and find resources to support them and veterans find a community where they have support for this growing field of channeling. Even if you are interested in hearing channeled messages, you will get something from these interviews. Find out more at globalchannelingsummit.com

Phoebe lives in a world where dis-ease is a reminder to bring in ease, where we all remember to love ourselves in every moment, where our bodies crave only the foods they need to thrive in this world and where we all have everything we need and desire by sharing our gifts with others.

As a Reiki Master & Sound Washing® performer  and certified Yoga Teacher, she has been transforming people’s lives. Experiencing her unique Sound Washings® in which she uses her own voice to channel sounds, people have had heart openings, emotional releases, physical pain released for good, spiritual awakenings as well as support in their ascension. She can be heard on YouTube videos, in live one-on-one sessions and in front of groups such as yoga classes, spiritual gatherings, church services and conferences.

When she is not performing Sound Washings® you may find her on stage in a play, practicing Yoga and Tai Chi, hiking and swimming in nature, or relaxing at home with her daughters and her dog and 2 cats.

Who is Shining Star?

Shining Star is Phoebe’s True Self. Shining Star performs for attention. When Shining Star is performing, everyone pays attention. And when people pay attention, they are given attention for themselves as well. We all have that natural thing that we were born knowing how to do. And when we do that, we are in our element. There is no time. Life is in perfect order. All is well. What is it that you do? And what do you get from it?