
Hi Everyone!

Have you ever noticed the mess of creativity when we really get into our projects? You lay out your drop cloth, get all the paints out, have rags handy, get all your brushes and other tools together and then you start to paint. Paint spills, the canvas doesn’t look the way you envisioned it, you feel like you don’t have all the right brushes or other tools.  Does this ever happen to you?

That is how I paint. And apparently that is how I create on the computer. Well, minus the paint and that whole mess.

I have been working for months on a project called “Breast Cancer Transformation: 21 Days of Support”. I was getting close to completing all of the written parts and BAM! I got stuck.

With some lovely support from friends (online, spiritual and “real”), I got back to it. And now I am thriving in the chaos and mess of it all. And more inspiration came as well. Stay tuned for a Free course to be coming to you soon! This week we celebrate the mess of creativity as we move forward toward the beauty we desire. Here is your Sound Washing.

Thanks for watching and having fun in this mess.

With Loving Vibrations,


Remember that THIS Saturday, March 14th is our monthly Toning Circle for Healing. Please sign up here.

And if you know anyone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, please forward this email and invite them to be a part of beta testing my new course: Breast Cancer Transformation: 21 Days of Support. 

You can always purchase a Sound Washing or Reiki/Sound Healing session for yourself of a friend here.

And if you are looking for support with your own transformational journey, I am now offering Transformational Coaching. Check it out here.